23. februar 2025


Kvalitetsmanual i Mammografiprogrammet
Patologi, Kreftregisteret




Breast fine needle aspiration
cytology and core biopsy:
a guide for practice

National breast cancer center  https://www.canceraustralia.gov.au/sites/default/files/publications/fna-fine-needle-aspiration-cytology-and-core-biopsy-guide-for-practice_504af03488799.pdf




Pathology of the
Breast  Rex Bentley, M.D
Department of Pathology Duke University Medical School





PathologyOutlines.com  Find pathology information fast!



Mammografiscreening er kontroversielt!

Mange mener det er viktig å finne små svulster så tidlig som mulig, og behandle disse for å få god overlevelse. Imidlertid oppstår det sannsynlig flere ganger naturlig små svulster som imidlertid forsvinner “naturlig” i kroppen, og også i bryst. En mulig årsak til dette kan bl.a.henge sammen med autofagi (selv-spising) som er sentralt i kroppens eget forsvarsystem for å bekjempe visse sykdommer. Se også Nobelprisen i medisin 2016 til japaneren Yoshinori Ohsumi.

Med mammografiscreening får man også en del uheldige sideefekter som bl. a. overbehandling og pasientfeil.

Mange mener det hjelper i forhold til overlevelse, selv om bildet trolig er noe anderledes:

Dr. László Tabár is synonymous with innovation and mammography.

László Tabár, M.D., F.A.C.R. (Hon) har nok bidrad sterkt til den svært positive tankegang om at man bør innføre mammografiscreening! Se hans hjemmesider som er “Big business“.


Dr. László Tabár     László Tabár, M.D., F.A.C.R.  


Sannsynlig er totaleffekten av denne screening liten eller dårlig! Se nedenfor.



CHAPTER 1 Tumours of the Breast

Pathology of the Breast.Rex Bentley, M.D Department of Pathology

Breast Pathology Slide Seminar_Shousha

Tissue pathways breast


Breast Tumours, Female Genital Organs

Role of Histopathology in metastatic breast cancer. Dr. Mary Falzon FRCPath Consultant/Hon Sen Lecturer UCLH/UCL.

Pathology of the Breast. Rex Bentley, M.D. Department of Pathology


Histopathology Breast –Ductal carcinoma

Histopathology Breast–Ductal carcinoma in situ


Pathology of the Breast DUKE

Breast pathology (Stalsberg)

Breast path Color

In Situ Breast Carcinoma James L. Connolly,M.D

Expression of thyroid transcription factor-1 is associated with a basal-like phenotype in breast carcinomas. Tor A Klingen author, Ying Chen, Pål Suhrke, Ingunn M Stefansson, Marian D Gundersen and Lars A Akslen

Per Henrik Zahl. Overdiagnosis of Clinicllay Irrelevant Cancer Br J Cancer 2013; 109: 2014-9. XXXP Henrik Zahl Norwegian Institute of Public Health Barcelona, September 20th, 2016






Benefits and harms of mammography screening. Magnus Løberg1,2,3, Mette Lise Lousdal4, Michael Bretthauer1,2,3,5 and Mette Kalager1,3,6* Havard Scholarship. 

Brystkreft er delt inn i en rekke forskjellige kategorier. Behandlingen er også ulik.


Immunotherapy for TNBC (Trippel- negativ brystkreft.

” does not express the genes for estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and HER2/neu”).

Heterogen gruppe. Vanskelig å behandle. Aggressiv.




CHAPTER 1 Tumours of the Breast

Pathology of the Breast.Rex Bentley, M.D Department of Pathology

Breast Pathology Slide Seminar_Shousha

Tissue pathways breast


Breast Tumours, Female Genital Organs

Role of Histopathology in metastatic breast cancer. Dr. Mary Falzon FRCPath Consultant/Hon Sen Lecturer UCLH/UCL.

Pathology of the Breast. Rex Bentley, M.D. Department of Pathology


Histopathology Breast –Ductal carcinoma


Histopathology Breast–Ductal carcinoma in situ



Breast pathology (Stalsberg)

Breast path Color

In Situ Breast Carcinoma James L. Connolly,M.D

Expression of thyroid transcription factor-1 is associated with a basal-like phenotype in breast carcinomas. Tor A Klingen author, Ying Chen, Pål Suhrke, Ingunn M Stefansson, Marian D Gundersen and Lars A Akslen

Per Henrik Zahl. Overdiagnosis of Clinicllay Irrelevant Cancer Br J Cancer 2013; 109: 2014-9. XXXP Henrik Zahl Norwegian Institute of Public Health Barcelona, September 20th, 2016






Benefits and harms of mammography screening. Magnus Løberg1,2,3, Mette Lise Lousdal4, Michael Bretthauer1,2,3,5 and Mette Kalager1,3,6* Havard Scholarship. 

The Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.  .pdf


Brystkreft er delt inn i en rekke forskjellige kategorier. Behandlingen er også ulik.


Immunotherapy for TNBC (Trippel- negativ brystkreft.

” does not express the genes for estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and HER2/neu”).

Heterogen gruppe. Vanskelig å behandle. Aggressiv.